Train with professional ballet dancers as teachers.
Our teachers are professional dancers from companies like the Dutch National Ballet. They are familiar with the ins-and-outs of the human body and know exactly the kinds of tips and corrections to offer in class.
Develop your skills with our course.
On top of the individual classes we offer, you can also enjoy our Ballet Intermediate Course. Developed by Vera Tsyganova, former dancer at the Dutch National Ballet, this is the ultimate course for you who dance at an intermediate to advanced level. Along the way Vera offers a great wealth of knowledge and tips to help you develop your skills further.
Sign up and try your first class today!
Gain access to our ever-growing library of online classes, training courses and 1-on-1 coaching sessions*. You can cancel the auto-renewal anytime.
*1-1 coaching sessions start from €40/h.
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